Monday, May 18, 2009

Finals Are Over... I am free!

Well, freedom for two weeks at least. I'm beginning to think this law school thing is cramping my style. First, I noticed that my best friend Nicole and her husband Ed moved into their new house in March. It's almost the end of May and I haven't been over to visit. Secondly, Felicia and Doug gave birth to a beautiful gigantor named Asher. He's about 4 weeks by now and still, I am the only one that has not visited... . I suppose I could blame it on finals, but really it's just been crazy.

I haven't even had time to make a decent batch of cupcakes!! In actuality, I have summed up 3 months of much needed relaxation into one measly week, so I haven't had time for much anything except myself.

However, the break was short lived. I just viewed my assignments for the first class of summer session (which happens to be one week from tomorrow, FYI) and it looks like my mini-vacation is coming to an end. I will have to start preparing this week in anticipation of what's to come. Que sera, sera.

Oh, but Glenn and I are going to Memphis to see his parents this weekend. I'm pretty excited about that. I haven't seen his parents since Thanksgiving and I adore them. Plus, I get to meet his sister who happens to <3 cupcakes as much as I do... I have a feeling we are going to get along just fine. Oh! and I get to go to GRACELAND! How exciting is that? Well, I'm excited about it. I love Elvis and all that 50's era magic, so I'm ecstatic.

I should prolly try and find something productive to do. The problem is, I've come to realize, 24 hours in a day is hardly enough time for anything.