Friday, August 28, 2009

New things all around!

So many things have happened in the last few weeks. I officially launched Callooh Callay cupcakes. I made some marble cupcakes for my friend Christina and the Animal Law Society and from what I heard, they were quite the hit.

I officially created a fan page on Facebook. So far I have 31 fans! That's a big number for me, especially since only a few people have actually tasted my confections. I'm working on getting my name out there... my best friend Amaris actually just created my logo, so now it's just a matter of time before I make business cards and get down to business.

Big news! My brother and his wife just had a beautiful baby girl! Fallon Claire. She is perfect in every way. She has my nose :)

I can't wait to post pictures. I am making a big batch of cupcakes on Sunday to celebrate.

Saturday afternoon we are having a huge baby shower for my best friend Nicole. She is also expecting a baby girl. I'm making Bakerella's Cowgirl Cookies just for the occasion.

So many things to celebrate, so little time to cram it all in!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Callooh Callay Cupcakes!

So it's become a mad hobby. My cupcakes have taken over... and it's not just cupcakes. It's cookies too. Vegan cookies! I am totally in love with this baking thing. I love how I feel when a fresh batch of anything comes out.

My 4th semester of law school is set to begin. On the plate I have Evidence, Constitutional Law and Property II. Am I excited? Not one bit, but I have vowed to make this semester one of the best. I don't know how I'm going to do it exactly, but hard work and a lot of studying will have to pay off eventually....

Big news though! I have officially named my products/hobby/future cupcake shop. It's now called Callooh Callay Creations! My tag line is: "Delicious Nonsense". I'm pretty excited about it. Several people have already volunteered to help with websites, logos, taste testing, etc. It's gonna be big, man. Take over the world big!

I forgot to tell you guys about the move and California! And my birthday! I had the greatest 27th birthday ever. We had a get together at Cedar Creek in the Heights and so many friends came to celebrate. My bestie Nicole got me not one, but TWO cakes, both equally delicious. I got so many cupcake related presents too! From the Martha Stewart Cupcake book to cookie decorating instruments, this really was the summer of baked goods. Awesome, awesome birthday!

Ok, on to California. What can I say about how much I absolutely loved that state? We flew into LA and rented a convertible (truly, the only way to go!). From LA we went to Santa Monica where we dipped our feet into the Pacific for the first time. Holy hell, that was cold water! We grabbed lunch at this fantastic Italian deli and let me tell you, it was one of the best sandwiches I will crave for the rest of my life... From Santa Monica we took highway one all the way to Santa Barbara. Again, an amazing drive. We finally got to Santa Barbara that evening and stayed at this amazing little cottage. Wine and Boccie ball are a great combination, btw!

After Santa Barbara, we headed to Paso Robles. I fell in love with the couple we stayed with there. Anne and George are the cutest! Their wine was pretty awesome too, Justin the Orphan. If you ever have the chance: TRY IT. We got to go to the mid-state fair in Paso Robles which was exactly like the Texas State Fair or the Houston Rodeo. No difference. Glenn and I rode the Ferris wheel and another fun ride, then decided to get daring and ride some crazy spinning ride... needless to say, we both got seriously nauseous. That night didn't end well.

After Paso, we went to Carmel and Monterey. We went to the aquarium, saw the fishies, sea lions, sea horses... all too cute to describe in detail here. From Monterey it was on to San Fran, but not til I had my In and Out Burger! We literally crossed over a Mountain to find the closest In and Out, but it was so worth it. I think that trek over the mountain officially got me my official foodie card! San Fran was AWESOME. I would totally live there. From the people, to the scenery, to the weather, to the FOOD... it was all just so amazing. We went to this fantastic Oyster Bar called Swan Oyster Depot. Best and freshest seafood I have ever had and I've been to New Orleans. There was nothing special about the place, just a really old bar, really old stools and great service. If you are ever in San Fran, GO.

Now, onto the biggie: THE CUPCAKES!! Of course we tried cupcakes. We found a place in Santa Barbara: Crushcakes. I must admit, we could only eat one... way too sweet. The cake was perfect, but the icing was totally diabetic coma inducing. Too sweet. Even Glenn, who loves icing couldn't take it. I loved their motif and bumper stickers, but was not impressed by the actual delivery.

In San Fran we went to Kara's Cupcakes. WOW. That's all I can say. WOW. I know I might have said that I am aiming to be the next Martha... I changed my mind. I want to be Kara. I want my cupcakes to taste like Kara's cupcakes. I don't know who she is, but I love her. We trekked all over San Fran trying to find her store... being unfamiliar with the city, it wasn't easy. We found it and again, totally worth it. Kara, if you are out there, you have a devoted fan in me!

On our last day in San Fran which also happened to be our last day of the trip, we made it to Citizen Cake. Glenn loved it. I was just ok with it. I don't know. I think I didn't care for the Rocky Road cupcake? Maybe that first one ruined the rest for me? Anyway, she was good, but not Kara good. Glenn liked her, so that made the trip there worth it for him. I could have left San Fran happy with just Kara and her delicious cupcakes.

Finally, the move. We moved in together that day we got back from our vacation. Talk about stress. We both love the house, but everything is still a mess. I can't wait til we get everything unpacked. I love my kitchen tho. I have a ton of counter space! It's gonna be cupcake heaven.

Anyway, that's all that's going on. I have a family reunion this weekend, so Friday night will be spent making all sorts of goodies. I think I am opting for Martha's lemon cake with berries, some chocolate chip cookies and another item... carrot cake maybe?

I will let you know how it goes. TTFN!