Friday, August 28, 2009

New things all around!

So many things have happened in the last few weeks. I officially launched Callooh Callay cupcakes. I made some marble cupcakes for my friend Christina and the Animal Law Society and from what I heard, they were quite the hit.

I officially created a fan page on Facebook. So far I have 31 fans! That's a big number for me, especially since only a few people have actually tasted my confections. I'm working on getting my name out there... my best friend Amaris actually just created my logo, so now it's just a matter of time before I make business cards and get down to business.

Big news! My brother and his wife just had a beautiful baby girl! Fallon Claire. She is perfect in every way. She has my nose :)

I can't wait to post pictures. I am making a big batch of cupcakes on Sunday to celebrate.

Saturday afternoon we are having a huge baby shower for my best friend Nicole. She is also expecting a baby girl. I'm making Bakerella's Cowgirl Cookies just for the occasion.

So many things to celebrate, so little time to cram it all in!

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