Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer 2010

Ok, so I haven't written in over six months...what the hell have I been doing? Oh, law school... that pesky thing.

I took Federal Income Tax, Criminal Procedure and Legal Research and Writing II, so my semester was pretty hectic. On top of learning how to decipher the federal tax code (which I apparently didn't do very well, according to my professor and my final exam), I had to write my first appellate brief on the topic of the effects of pre-trial prejudice on a jury pool. How did I survive? I have no idea... good thing I was an English major and not an Accounting major. That's all I have to say about that.

Anywho... on to the good stuff. I started a new job working for a criminal defense attorney in downtown Houston! I get to follow her all around the criminal courts and she's teaching me so many cool things about how to be a successful defense lawyer. Criminals are still scum... just less so when you know their back story.

Other than the new job and the end of that hellacious semester, life has been pretty normal. I'm baking more this summer since I am taking only one class. It's my summer "off". Hence the return to the blog and the return to baking.

A couple of weeks ago I wanted to try something I had never done before. I can't call myself a baker if I keep baking the same damn things over and over again. So after I asked Glenn what he felt like eating and getting no where, I went to the source for all of my baking questions... Martha Stewart. I know, I know... there are so many better sources, but she is so awesome, so I always go to her first, then I go elsewhere.

The Martha Stewart Baking Handbook is kinda like my cake bible. I searched and searched for something that sounded tasty to me and Glenn and we decided on the Ricotta Cheesecake.

It was super duper easy to make! I was worried since I had never made a cheesecake before, and prolly still haven't depending on who you ask, but I loved it! Especially once we finished it off with some berries and powdered sugar... and I wonder why I can't lose weight.

HOLY COW... Doesn't that just look amazing.


But that wasn't our dinner... it was just a fun test to see if I could do other things besides cakes. Glenn made a pizza that night. We had Ratatouille the night before, so we made a Ratatouille pizza... it was so delicious. My man can cook, ladies and gentlemen!

That was our project three weeks ago. Today, I am making a pineapple upside down ice cream cake with pineapples foster for a topping. It's for Amaris' birthday party and as is tradition, my friends get whatever they want for their birthday cake.

I'll post pictures on that later, but for now, here's a few pictures to make your mouth water.

and it wouldn't be pineapple upside cake without...

I'll give the rest of the details after the weekend is over.


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